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Hello, my name is Katarina!



I’ve traveled to the world’s most powerful and magical places. Lake Titicaca in Peru to Mount Shasta to Glastonbury and Shaftesbury in England. While meditating at each site, I asked the higher powers to help me discover and strengthen my inner abilities so that I can help other people achieve harmony in their life. 


I was always interested in the magical and esoteric worlds and have been on my spiritual journey for more than 10 years. Studying magic, spirituality and stones under the guidance of spiritual teachers and shamans. ​I first began making magical candles for myself as a hobby. To attract my desires and to remove toxicity from my life. I was shocked when I realized how powerful they were! I attracted everything I wanted and protected myself from negative situations. It was true spiritual magic. I now purify my energy every week using spiritual practices along with a deep energy cleanse every month at the end of the moon cycle.


Every candle is made through my magical energy. Combining magic spells, special herbs, gemstones and aromatherapy oil blends to target a particular desire. The ingredients used come from high energy vortexes and meridians such as forests, hills and mountains. Making each candle uniquely powerful. What began as a hobby quickly evolved into a calling. I’m excited to share my gift with the universe and help people like you. We all experience negative situations in our lives that can be difficult to get through alone.


Imagine the wonders magic could bring into your life.

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